This is a lot of writing below.. I know. You should maybe take a day every section so you absorb it because all these concepts are quite important.
A very important part of poker is your hand selection. When you first start, you should always play a "tight" game which means play only certain quality hands in certain positons. Here is a link to what hands you should play in what positions:
This link only talks about the first 2 groups of hands, to the right of the article are groups 3-6. When you get these hands you want to raise 3-5 times the bb with an unopened pot. With groups 1-2 you want to reraise. 3 and 4 just call and 5-6 just fold. Remember, these tips ARENT always right. They are just a guide to improve.
Now that we talked about hand selection the next step is pot odds. Have you ever had a draw, but didnt know whether to fold to a raise or to call?? Well heres a link that explains this concept.
On, tv you constantly see people bluffing so that has to be important too right??? Well it is, but if done to often will just spell disaster. So, remember its a good way to steal the pot, but you dont want people catching you. If you are caught bluffing JUST STOP. Instead use your image for the better.
When you have a monster hand just bet it like you are bluffing. Semibluffing is a term that refers to you bluffing with a draw such as a flush draw. You want to take down the pot right away, but you still have outs. Remember if you arent confident in taking down the pot right away with your semibluff dont bother doing it. Heres a link to bluffing.
Another important concept is position. There are 3 categories. Early, Middle, and Late. Early position includes the two blinds and UTG (the person that starts the betting preflop). Middle position is the 3 people next to UTG. Late position are the last 3 people which include the button who is the last person to act. The later your positon the better.Heres an example of why position is important: Lets say that you hold KQ UTG. Its a great hand right? Not in early position. Do you raise?? Do you just call the bb?? Lets say you raise. Someone in middle position reraises you. Now what?? They could have KK, AK, QQ, AA. Even A2-A10 beats you. Its gonna be hard to call. Now, lets say you just call the bb. YOU ARE GOING TO GET RAISED 95% OF THE TIME. Then you faced with more hard decisions. Remember, you want your oppenents to face the hard decisions not you. Just fold.
To win in poker you also need to be agressive and know when to bet. You always want to be the one raising or betting, not calling or checking if you have have a made hand. (Well for the most part. Below it tells you why you want to check or call) You also want to be able to stop betting after being agressive in the previous betting round. Heres an example. you hold AJ. The flop comes out A, 8, 3 rainbow (all different suits). You bet the pot and you get 1 person to fold while another person calls. You bet 3/4 again on the turn and get a call. JUST CHECK THE RIVER. Yes you have top pair with a decent kicker, but you have to ask yourself what you can beat. He showed alot of resistance in letting that hand go, so you hvae to give him credit. Basically you can only beat A, 10 and only a fish with taht hand would have called you on the way down. You could be up against a set, an Ace with a higher kicker, or 2 pair. Now lets say you checked it to him on the flop and he bet. You call. On the turn he bets again and you call. On the river he bets again. YOU DONT KNOW WHERE YOU'RE AT. He could be plain bluffing for all you know. You also let him dictate the action and pot size which you want to be doing. Anwyays, you have to fold, because you just dont know what he has. Betting also allows you to beat better hands (when they fold) while calling allows only you to win pots. Betting also does other things. You can probe to see where they're at with a bet. 1/3-2/3 the pot is good. Lets say you have 89. The flop comes out 3,Q, 9 giving you mid pair. Put out a probing bet: if they call you're probaly beat (however they could have J10 or AK so if you think that you can take down the pot fire agian on the turn)). If they reraise you get out. If they fold well way to be agressive. Doing a probing bet is better than just checking because if he fires back at you dont know what to do. Another bet is called the blocker bet. If you are against a maniac and you have a mediocre hand and are first to act use this method. Its when you are certain that if you check he will bet. However, if you bet and put out signns of strength e will just call you. This way you have to pay less to see a showdown.
The last thing ima discuss is being tricky and check raising and checkcalling. A check raise is done when you think your oppenent is going to fold if you bet, but will take a shot at the pot if you check. Then you can reraise him! A good amount to raise is 2/1/2 to 4 times his bet. This gets you one extra bet usually. Slowplaying is betting small or just checking with a monster hand. This is to not scare them away or induce a bluff. You never ever want to use this method IF THERE IS ANY SIGn that there is a hand that can outdraw you. Lets say you have the nuts, AKo. The flop is 10s, Js, Qc. You have the nuts (best hand possible). You should slowplay right?? No!!! there is a flush draw out there. Bet and make their odds incorrect for them to call. As you can see slowplaying is risky, but can also be VERY profitable. Just like bluffing dont use slowplaying and checkraising 2 much. Playing straightforwardly is fine most of the time.
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